Press release AAPA
Amsterdam, 14 September 2013
At an event sponsored by the Audiovisual Anti-Piracy Alliance (AAPA), John Medeiros representing CASBAA, Pascal Metral for the Alianza contra la Pireteria de Television Paga, David Wuergler from STOP – Nordic Content Protection, Scott Butler for the Arabian Anti-Piracy Alliance and Christine Maury-Panis of AAPA committed to work together to strengthen the fight against audiovisual piracy.
Recognising that piracy is a shared problem and that many techniques and perpetrators are active across regions the associations agreed to create an informal network which will allow information about instances of piracy, new sources of piracy, new trends in piracy, etc., to be shared quickly and securely.
Sharing information and intelligence will also enable the associations and their members’ security specialists to collaborate on cross-border enforcement activities and cases.
Commenting on the event Sheila Cassells, Executive Director of AAPA, said that
“This is a first, important step in our collective commitment to fight audiovisual piracy. Each association has valuable intelligence which can be utilised to support all our members in their efforts to bring pirates to court and stamp out activities which damage businesses and consumers
alike. We want to build upon this network and invite other associations with the same goal to join us.”
John Medeiros, Chief Policy Officer, CASBAA said: “International pirate syndicates operate with impunity across national lines, using the internet to drive the world to the lowest common denominator of IP protection. In this situation, the legitimate industries badly need to connect and share.”
Pascal Métral, VP of Legal Affairs, NAGRA and co-executive Director for the Alianza, said: “Putting in place a collaboration model – even informal – between regional anti-piracy organisations is key to successfully addressing the current pay-TV piracy threats which more and more have Internet-related and trans-border aspects”.
David Würgler, CEO, STOP – Nordic Content Protection, said ” It is a pleasure to see that it is possible for the TV business worldwide to unite and face the problems with piracy together. I am sure that there are a lot of experiences and know how that can be exchanged to the benefit of all.”
Christine Maury-Panis, EVP General Counsel, Viaccess-Orca and VP, AAPA said: “I am proud that AAPA originated this initiative and am pleased that Nordic Content Protection – STOP, CASBAA, the Arabian Anti-Piracy Alliance and Alianza have made it a reality. This will greatly enhance our efficiency in the fight against piracy. I hope that other associations will join us on this is a major step forward. “
During the event the group identified other areas – such as the need to better educate legislators and enforcement agencies about audiovisual piracy both to support enforcement action and to promote a more harmonised legal regime – where the associations will work together also. To this end, AAPA will be hosting a workshop at the Interpol International Law Enforcement IP crime conference in Dublin next month where they will share the learnings from that with the other associations.
About AAPA: AAPA represents companies involved in the provision of protected audiovisual services, security technology for such services, and the manufacturing of products which facilitate the delivery of such services. AAPA’s mission is to enable the fight against piracy where this involves the development, promotion, distribution, application or use of technologies resulting in the unauthorised use of protected audiovisual content, by co-ordinating intelligence and action supported by effective legislation and its implementation.
For more information about AAPA’s work visit
AAPA contact:
Sheila Cassells:
+44 7500 243 136
Miranda Rock
+44 7957 391 498
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