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Card sharing dom i Brüssel

Den 25. oktober 2010 ble to personer, ved domstolen i Brüssel, idømt respektive 8 og 18 måneders fængsel for såkaldt card sharing.  Overtredelsen fant sted i perioden fra 2006 til 2008. Betalings-tv selskabet SKY Deutschland blev samtidig tilkendt en erstatning på mer end 2 millioner Euro.


AEPOC ( is the “Association Européenne pour la Protection des Œuvres et Services Cryptés” or the “European Association for the Protection of Encrypted Works and Services”. AEPOC started its activities in 1995. Its membership consists of leading digital television and telecommunication companies including TV channels, conditional access providers, providers of transmission infrastructures and manufacturers of related hardware.

AEPOC’s goal is to eliminate the pirating of encrypted works and services and to encourage the development of the appropriate legal, operational and technological frameworks to increase the security and safeguarding of conditional access systems for Pay-TV, TV-based and IP services.

The AEPOC members are: ADD Europe, Boxer TV-Access, BSkyB, comvenient, Conax, Digiturk, Eutelsat, General Satellite, INSIDE Contactless, Irdeto, Liberty Global, Multichoice Hellas, Nagravision, NDS, NTV-Plus, Opentech, Pace, Poverkhnost, Showtime Arabia, Sky Deutschland, Sky Italia, Viaccess – France Telecom, and ZON Multimedia.

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